Pakistan Reports Youth

Rawalakot: National Marxist Summer School 2017


Revolutionary Students Front (RSF) and The Struggle organized two day National Marxist School on 27th, 28th August 2017 at Rawalakot, Kashmir. Despite heavy financial odds, difficult transportation and deteriorating living conditions, over 150 youth attended the school with a large number of women.

The school consisted of three sessions, including World and Pakistan Perspective, History of Russian Revolution and Youth Work and Strategy. On the morning of 27 August School was opened by Rashid Sheikh from the host region he welcomed all the participants. The first session on World and Pakistan Perspective was chaired by Nadir Gopang and Awais Qarni led the discussion. Awais explained the organic crisis of Capitalism, the overall situation of US imperialism, China’s economic crisis with its imperialist interests, the situation in Latin America especially the Venezuelan perspective, the eruption of movements and situation in Britain and Europe, the intensification of proxy wars in the Middle East and the crisis of Gulf States. Other than that he briefly discussed the overall situation of India, Afghanistan and South Asia. He discussed the contradictory interests of Pakistani ruling elite, the intervention of imperialist powers in changing the current political setup, economic crisis, the consciousness of working class and perspective for the movement. The lead off followed by questions and contributions. Umer Rasheed from Central Punjab, Rahim Baksh from Jampur, Rameez Misrani from Dadu, Arsalan Shani and Bilal from Kashmir, Saifee from Central Punjab, Zafar from North Punjab and Imran Kamyana intervened in the discussion. Awais Qarni answerd all the question and summed up the discussion.

After the Lunch break, The Second session was related to the Leon Trotsky’s book ‘History of Russian Revolution‘. The book was published in the 1930s in Russian language and it has a unique status in Marxist literature. And for the first time, it is translated in the Urdu language by The Struggle Publications.  The session was chaired by Babar Patras and Imran Kamyana the translator of this book led the discussion. Starting with the introduction, he explained the historical, ideological, political and literary importance of this book in today’s relevance. He said the book explains the historical analysis in Marxist perspective, under which it explains why the events were reflected in the same way and not in its reciprocal. The writer not only explains historical materialism but also describes the combined and uneven development, permanent revolution, the role of individual in history, objective condition and the subjective availability, the role of revolutionary party, the internal contradictions of the party, the relation between party and the class, the shifting consciousness during revolutionary epochs. It can be analyzed to further enhance our revolutionary struggle. Imran Kamyana summarized the book and he read some text from the book which was highly appraised by the audience. Zafar, Rehana, Asif Rashid from North Punjab, Rashid Sheikh from Kashmir intervened in the discussion. Imran Kamyana answered all the questions and summed up the discussion.

The second day of school, 28th August, begin with reciting of revolutionary poems and songs from different comrades. The third and the last session of the Marxist School was regarding the students and youth work and strategy, which was opened by Sangeen Bacha and Abrar Latif chaired the session. Sangeen shed light on the role played by different student organizations and discussed strategy in present objective conditions. He also spoke on the role of youth in the building up of a revolutionary party and the strategy and tactics to attract the youth to Marxist ideas. The lead off was followed by regional reports from the whole organization and Rihana Akhtar presented the report of female work. After that Umer Rasheed, Nadeem Pasha and Abdul Wahid intervened in the open discussion.

Finance Report was presented by Asif Rashid. The overall School was marvelous, a book stall was managed for this activity and during sessions many comrades recited revolutionary poetry, sang revolutionary songs and the environment was full of enthusiasm and energy. Awais Qarni made the closing remarks.

The School was concluded by singing of Internationale and comrades left the summer school extremely stimulated and enthusiastic to go out and fight for socialism.